Staying at Palazzo Bontadosi or La Panoramica Gubbio and La Gioia, located in Montefalco, in the province of Perugia, in Umbria, guests can attend to parties and feasts in this beautiful area.
In June, one of the most anticipated events of Bevagna gives us a glimpse into the middle ages with the reconstruction of the uses and customs of the period. The feast is inspired to the original division of the city in the 4 gaite (districts) and takes place the last 10 of the month, when the old medieval shops reopen its doors to allow visitors to admire the ancient crafts.
In Foligno, a Tournament and a historical procession in costume will be the backdrop to one of the most anticipated events in the country: la Quintana. 10 Knights and their horses representing each district will compete twice a year in June and September respectively, giving rise to a characteristic medieval representation.
Between June and July, they celebrate the art in every aspect during one of the most important events of the Festival of two worlds in Spoleto, in which they attempt to create a blend between two very different cultures: American and European. Founded in 1958 by the inspiration of the composer Gian Carlo Menotti, the Festival is unique in its kind and attracts thousands of visitors.
Characteristic is the event which takes place in August in the town of Montefalco: the Fuga del Bove (the escape of the ox). During the feast they route big oxen through the streets of the neighborhoods. The event is inspired by a much older party taking place over Christmas and that ended with the slaughter of the beast which was going to cheer the plates of every citizen of Montefalco on 25 December.
Rich in events that combine history and tradition, the August of Montefalco began with the “Renaissance Banquet” where gourmets can enjoy typical Umbrian products accompanied by the finest wines. The escape of the ox, represents the heart of the event during which part of the city will be engaged in races, rides and reenactments of the middle ages in Umbria. To frame the long event, which attracts numerous tourists, a long list of musical events.
More and more wineries each year participate in one of the most anticipated events of Montefalco: Calici di Stelle (goblets of stars), when wine lovers can enjoy the wines of Umbria, all accompanied by entertainment, music, animation, without forgetting to look out in the sky in the company of experienced amateur astronomers.
In September in the central square of the town takes place one of the most characteristics festivals in Montefalco: the grape harvest festival, during which the carts, gathered in the streets to celebrate the harvest of the grapes, make fine show merrily and diligently decorated for the occasion by the citizens of the town.
Every year in September, in Montefalco, takes place Enologica. The event is dedicated to traditional Umbrian wines that wine lovers can taste together with typical products. The exhibition is completed with studies and discussions on the development of the area and sustainable crops.